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Recalibrate your Instruction: 4MATION Software. Now online.Whether you are a new teacher looking for some great ideas or a veteran looking to enliven your classroom, 4MATION has something for anyone who teaches. With a library of over 300 exemplary lessons, each adhering to the 4MAT method of instruction, you can start now with creating classroom experiences that will inspire and motivate learners. | |
Gain Access to Hundreds of Exemplary Units4mation includes hundreds of exemplary 4MAT units, from all subject areas and for all grade levels. These units all include the foundational elements of 4MAT: connections to learners, right brain and differentiated instruction activities, ideas for engaging, informing practicing and creating with new learning. |
The Elements of Great Instruction | |
A Sophisticated Curriculum Framework, Made Simple.What is the Concept of your lesson, the big idea that holds it together? What Essential Questions will be answered with this learning? What is the Bridge from your concept to your content? What are your Outcomes? What will learners be able to be and do after your lesson is complete? These questions form the foundation of effective instructional delivery. The 4MAT software guides you through the process of defining these building blocks, then links these elements directly to learner meaning and engagement. |
Teaching Around the Wheel: InstructionThe instruction tab in 4MATION offers teachers specific guidance on how to design and deliver more balanced instruction.
Learn the research-based 4MAT Method while you design great instruction! As you create new lessons, the software guides you through the process, taking you around the cycle of instruction, effortlessly creating lessons that appeal to all four styles of learners. |
Aligning with Standards4mation web-based software allows you to align to standards with a click of the mouse. More importantly, with 4mation and 4mat, standards alignments are intentional and integrated with the needs of learners.
With 4MATION, the standards become tools and inspiration to instructional designers and teachers, an integral part of lesson designs. |
Integrating Assessment with InstructionFormative assessment is the key to learner performance and long-term retention. A 4MAT lesson is by nature a process of growth for all learners.
All learning must culminate with authentic performance (the ability to transfer the learning into real life). This is the challenge for both the learner and the teacher. The 4MATION Software actively assists teachers in the creation of lesson designs that lead to individual learner growth, in each step of the instruction. |
Help Along the WayUse the 4MATION lesson design wizards to guide you, step-by-step, through the process of creating more dynamic and engaging instruction. |
Adding AttachmentsNo lesson is an island. The 4MATION software allows you to attach any file to a lesson and share these resources with others. In addition, choose from a large library of the best classroom-tested visual tools which may be reproduced and used as classroom handouts. These visual tools include...
See the Results on PaperReward your lesson design efforts with a full print report, including...